domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Did you know?

Theres a lot of things i didn't knew. The world is a giagantic mass that has trillions of people. 
This video talks about the per cent and population of the people in the world. It talks about the population in the biggest countries like India, China or the U.S.A  It also talks about how the Social Media Revolution is envolved with all of the population in the world.  How the people used constantly the websites and everything. Social Media is all over the world i'm very surprised, but how i already said this is only a fad.

2 comentarios:

  1. You said I didn't knew. When you write "did" the verb changes to present tense so you would write "I didn't know". You should also put some of YOUR opinions. other than that good job

  2. I totaly agree with you!!!! Social media is all over the world, is a fad, and we cant get rid of it even if we wish!! I love you casue we have the same thoughts and ideas. We all use social media for tons of stuff everyday! Honestly, what we have done without internet and facebook hifive myspace etc etc etc?
