martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Future Artifact

I love my artifact. I think its very unique and creative. My favorite thing about my artifact is that you can communicate with people by via mind. It is an unique project because no one did it about reading of communicating with our minds. I found it very interesting because image this invent exist? it would very essential and very useful. The person that created this artifact would become very rich. Also if you read all the info about the artifact is not even expensive. I think that what i dislike about my artifact is the cost of this artifact. Its very cheep, it should be more expensive. My artifact is unique and would be essential.

Anna had and amazing artifact. I really enjoyed reading it. It was so interesting and if you think about it would actually be very amazing
if you could have that in real life. For example if you want to go for your summer vacations you could go to the moon, or Jupiter. Although we all know that it will be impossible to go to Jupiter etc. Imagine that in real life there was and airplane that could travel in space. I would love if someone invented this airplane. Anna's artifact the coolest invent i ever seen! love it!

Maybe in the future this artifact could be invented. Now in days scientists are planning more and more thinks for the future. The person who invents this artifact would actually become rich. I'm sure that this will change the world. Celebrities would pay for spending a great vacation at space. This would be a shocking thing that would paralyzed the world. I seriously don't think that i could travel because it would be a very expensive flight. This event would be essential and awesome for the world!

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